christmas charity bazaar was on the 17th to 19th December 2010 at Subang Parade. it was a joint event by a few leo clubs. i don’t have too many photos either. =)
basically, christmas charity bazaar is held annually to raise fund for orphanages and some handicapped places. if im not wrong, this year we were raising funds for 4 orphanages, one old folks home and one handicap centre. =)
subang parade. =)
some of the other leos i met. =)
debbie the beddie. =D. shes gonna kill me for this. haha
serena! =D
stuff sold at the stall. =)
the magic of christmas charity bazaar is the names of the orphans and handicapped people are written on cards and places on the tree. see pic above! then people can choose to buy a present for these orphans either from out stall or from another stall for us to wrap for the orphans.
haha, this is the story of the cake. on the first day there, subang parade was having an event on the ground floor, they had cupcakes and cakes and sweets and clowns and all. so after the event, the organizers didn;t know what to do with the cake, they brought the highest level of the cake for us. haha. btw, we peeled off the fondant but the chocolate cake inside was omg awesome, like seriously really really good! =)
so that’s the christmas charity bazaar, will blog more soon! =)
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