there’s a square icon that looks similiar to this icon on the right sidebar right? found it yet? go further down a bit then you’ll see it!.
ever wondered what ChurpChurp is? or why Joanna has put a bird icon with huge eyes on her blog these past days? (gotta admit the bird is sorta cute haha)
in simple terms, ChurpChurp is a social media network that specializes in advertising. (i think i got that right) if you follow me on twitter, u’ll see that recently i had this ad post that said something like AllianceBank having Swipe, Sign and Go Contest right? that’s through ChurpChurp!
basically, ChurpChurp is paying you to update for them, either on twitter or facebook. you can even choose the frequency with which you receive assignments to update. simple enough right? and you get paid for doing it. how awesome is that!and if after awhile u decide to stop churping, you just have to turn off the assignment button and you won’t receive anymore updates. =)
ok now off to the reasons why you, yes you! should join ChurpChurp. =)
1. first off, *cue money money money song*
money may not buy you happiness, but it sure doesn’t hurt to have a bit extra each month either, (or you could just give me the money XD )
2. you get to meet more people through the activities they have
for example, fly kite day that was held at taylors lakeside recently. (when was the last time you flew a kite eh. =p ) let’s say you meet person A. person A has friend B and C. you meet them as well. then friend B and C also have friends that you meet. and it goes on and on and on. one day you might able to meet everybody in the whole entire world! *evil laughs muahahaha* sorry, this is what you get after a 3hr maths exam. =s
3.your already online surfing the net you might as well do this as well.
you spend about 1-2 hours a day on the computer at least right? ( i spend about 5-6hrs XD ), instead of googling or you-tubing the while time, or while waiting for you video to load in YouTube, you could sign up for ChurpChurp and complete assignments. it only takes you about 2-5 mins to compose a tweet to update, so why not do it? your getting paid for 2 mins of work. =D
ok so go sign up nao! ok kidding, i ain’t forcing you. haha
basic process of signing up for ChurpChurp is : (if your interested XD )
1. go to
2.Sign up with us.
3. Approve access to and so that we are able to get down to work. Note that we do not store your or password.
4. Choose your preferences for alcohol/tobacco related assignments, and disclaimers for scheduled tweets.
requirements to join? all you need is an active Facebook or twitter account.and your all set to becoming a churper. yes, it is that simple!
activities that i wanna see ChurpChurp have more often? more premiere movie screenings! or like mini field trips kinda thing. =)
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